Sugar & Sweets

Sugar & Sweets was born when two sisters decided to turn their passion for making people’s lives sweeter into their livelihood. Needing a logo, packaging, and social media designs, I was ready to take on the challenge.

For this passion project, I created a mood board first. Once I had a mood board and my color palette, I was ready to get creative. I then did some competition research. From this, I was inspired to create a primary logo, secondary logos, and a brand mark. I also included some brand icons to pull it all together with a brand pattern. Once I had the branding materials created, I brought it all together on a brand board for social media.

Some of the deliverables created:

  • Logos
  • Packaging
  • Storefront Example
  • Social Media Examples
  • Brand Board

This project was inspired by The Glow & Grow Club on Instagram. A family of designers all generate ideas for these briefs to stay creative, add to their portfolio, and share their love for design with others. I couldn’t miss an opportunity like this to participate and can’t wait to do more.

Like what you are seeing? Great, let’s work together!

Sugar & Sweets Brand Board - Brand and Web Design Agency
Sugar & Sweets Brand Logo - Brand and Web Design Agency
Sugar & Sweets Storefront - Brand and Web Design Agency
Sugar & Sweets Packaging - Brand and Web Design Agency
Sugar & Sweets Packaging - Brand and Web Design Agency
Sugar & Sweets Social Media - Brand and Web Design Agency
Sugar & Sweets Social Media - Brand and Web Design Agency
Sugar & Sweets Social Media - Brand and Web Design Agency
Sugar & Sweets Packaging - Brand and Web Design Agency